Tuesday, June 29, 2010

don't drink the water

when the algae are in bloom and you swallow the water, or get a bit in you lungs, be ready. i wasn't. imagine your lungs to be filled with microwaved mayonaise and a small SUV parked on your chest, and that's just the lung issue. there's also the constant drip from the nose and difficulty in inhaling. so, you can't breathe through the nose cuz its plugged with microrganizms, the chest doesn't want the air cuz of its mayo-naisa state, just bellow your belly button the gas pains make it hard to stand or do anything physical, and your breath stanks like horse shit cuz its all dried out from sucking in air through it for the past two days. not to mention, the drool from your horse shit mouth is all over your pillow case and it makes it tuff to sleep.

if you want more info on how you can feel like this or what causes it, google HAB's, or red tide.

things could be worse...
i'd like to put some love in the air for my man Ezra...be strong my friend...keep smiling

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