Tuesday, November 10, 2009

OK, Okokok (say it like joe pesci in that lethal weapon flick)

pardon the run-on...
so, i jumped a flight to LAX on oct. 27th. i only drank 1 beer on the flight home and didn't even take a melotonin. the flight was the better part of 12 hours and i only slept for 3. check this. full shit luck. i'm sitting by myself in a row of five seats the whole time the plane is boarding. no joke, the very fcuking last person to board the plane stuffs my whole sleeping plan for the trip back and sits in the row i'm in. then she had the sack to lay down across all four of the empty seats.( i was in LA before i even left the tarmac.)

this guy with a moustache picked me up from the airport. the guy was a friend but, he lost his name behind his moustache.hahaha. he got me at like 7am and we were sitting in Bobbis mexican food eating BCR's before noon. Burritos have never tasted so good. after our lunch break and a bit of a bobble "the moustache" dropped me off at the train station so i could get to Habes to pic up the new motor coache!!!

quick train ride.....only broke down in LA and had to change engines. shit. i was getting pins and needles in my butt cheek. is that normal?

Habe picked me up in Solana Beach and we drove to his spot. i finally laid my head down at about midnight. i felt like i had never been to sleep before. we woke to the smell of hot business and drove down to check the surf. after the surf, we went back to his spot. i was way excited to get there. i finally got to meet his son. Ezra Gray. the most epic inspiration of a kid ever. born with a big hole in his heart and a club foot, he's already kicked both of those things asses. open heart surgery before 6 months old and smile'n bigger than your standard multi-millionaire.
so freakin smiley.

i spent the rest of the day with Elsa and Luciana Mathews, checked in with Ty "da wing" and then was off to C-town to grab some warm clothes and get my ass to Boulder for a Devotchka Halloween.

so, got back to the beloved Camarillo "where exactly is Camarillo?" and was convinced by the doodes to stay the nite and go to ka-row-kee at Outlaws.

Fast Foward to 2pm on OCt 30th.

the new motor coache gets fired up. email the "Rebel" and made sure he was still game. he said "yeah", so i started the drive.

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