Saturday, September 12, 2009

a new leaf

so, i delivered some limes to a bar in town last nite, struck up a conversation with the bartender, and had a beer. it was beginning to get a bit cold, so i walked back to the "Falvan" to get a sweater.
headed back to bar to finish up the conversation with Thom (the bartender) and then went for a stroll. after the walk i went back to the "Falvan" and saw that it had been broken into. rad.
1 warm jacket, 6 mixed cd's, 2 ipods, 1 digi-cam, and 1 car stereo face are no longer mine. total bummer wave.
if anyone has a extra i-pod, access to kyle rogers music library, a digi-cam, and the playlists for those sick mixed cd's i got from, marc, nate, kyle, and brooke, i'm willing to take them off your hands.

pictures and video will now be a rarity on this blog. and music will no longer sing to me in the orchard.


  1. Bummer Noga. Sorry to hear that. I have an extra IPod that was filled with music a la DJ Rogers you can have along with my own stuff. 7000 great songs including every RUSH, Iron Maiden and Rolling Stones album so you know you're stoked. Email me your address and I'll ship it to you

  2. I have a pretty serious world music collection I could send your way.
