Sunday, August 23, 2009

transportation (part 1)

this is a letter i wrote to a French Canadian photographer who is a firm backer in the joy of life.

hay girl!!

the van: well, i was stuck on the fence about two of them. one was purple in nature. had a bit of a valve gasket leak. super clean. shitty stereo. and no curtains. thee other, was gray in nature, had a bit of a valve gasket leak, not that clean, stunk of bong water spillage covered up by a glade air freshener in the scent of pink, has a foldable bed in it, has curtains, sick home stereo w/aux plug for maximum tune rockage, white and pink flowers painted all around it, cooking gear, stove, and two, yes two moon roofs.

van purple was to be named "BERTO", after a good friend of mine's wang. he has a bit of an Aardvarks schnaz if you catch my drift, and i thought it was a suitable name for a purple van.

van gray was to be named "the millennium falVAN", after of coarse, the gray beat up light speed cruzer of the galaxy,"THE MILLENNIUM FALCON".

i went with gray...sorry Berto...a freachy with dreds sold it to me who was into house music, hippie lettuce, and yes, "JOIE DE VIE!" he was quite impressed i knew that.

end of letter.

so weekend vacations are going on in the falVAN!!! AHHHHHOOOOOO!!!

1 comment:

  1. That might be your best post yet, however I do wish you would have picked the Beirto- pronounced B Yer toe. No wait the Milenium falvan is dope, I have changed my mind. I did love the look of The flowers though>
