Saturday, July 31, 2010

Not only do these guys rip the rad...

they're really nice doodes ta boot...

we were rolling up t-shirts on the third story of this office building where we were working during their set and chuckin' the T's out the window. we'd tie'm up into double knots before we let'm loose and watch'm shabapp people in the grill in front of the stage. it was a epic time. i told Sk and this other hip hop doode we were doin it. they laughed theire asses f.u.n.!!! C'mon!!!

thursday, seattle, july 22nd twenty ten.

holy fuck! if you like to dance.

i figured it out!!!

my line...and the doode is dave. he save's whale's and he rips.

Drink Water.

cuz we're running out...

you might get thirsty. i hope you don't.

need the news at 3:33am?

get some

i'd say, C'mon!!!

Monday, July 26, 2010

rippin bar!

my mom sent me this picture of this biker bar around where she lives. told me i could find her there.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

gotta move

got coffee, got doughnuts, got wasted...

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

"Dammit Jim!"

he is gone
my one and only
he had been on many missions
he went straight and true
when he broke in half
i fixed,
and again rode you
discolored and faded
like a grumpy old man
bumps and bruises
from the miles he ran
the thing that bugs me
i didn't see you die
someone straight swooped you
in the middle of the night.

lie, cheat, and steal.

Sunday, July 4, 2010

me and mota

more than a three(3) hour tour...


i love boat life.

"golly jeepers...

where'd you get those creepers?"

"i don't love you anymore"

we're done, you cause me to much pain...

Thursday, July 1, 2010


there is a cd you gotta move up on...

it's by these radical doodes named
Frank Vignola
Sam Pilafian

one of the sickest dixie records i've ever owned.

ride free my friend and travel light
slay the city!!!

whada you think of nuthin...

"There's nothing that keeps its youth, so far as i know, but a tree and the truth."
-Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr.